The Legal Services department provides legal counsel and support to the Mayor and City Council, City Boards, Commissions, and Agencies, the City Manager, and all City departments.

The Legal Services Department reviews and/or drafts all City ordinances, resolutions, policies, contracts, legal opinions, and litigation documents.

The department also prosecutes all misdemeanor crimes committed in Orem including domestic violence, DUI, assault, disorderly conduct, drug and alcohol violations, lewdness, shoplifting, and other thefts, nuisances, and animal violations.

Contact Us

56 North State Street Orem, UT 84057 | 801.229.7097

This website provides only general information about the Orem City Attorney’s Office. The information contained on this website, or in any site linked to this website, is for reference purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The Office’s attorneys do not provide legal advice regarding private legal matters.