Cemetery Contact Info
Cemetery Sexton: Robbie Ungricht
Phone: 801-229-7124
Email: cemetery@orem.org
Hours & Location
- Office: 1520 N. 800 E. | Cemetery Hours: 6AM – 11PM Daily
Office Hours: 9AM – 3PM. Mon – Sat ( appointment only)| Closed on Sundays, Holidays & Veterans Day
Burial Scheduled: Mon – Sat, 9AM – 2PM. ( call for availability)
Overtime starts at 4PM daily and is charged until the cemetery crew completes the burial. After hours charges are assessed per 30 minutes.
Burials are limited to three per day, Monday – Saturday.
Official Cemetery Forms
1.How much does a burial lot cost?
Cemetery fees are determined by the principal place of residence of the individual purchasing the burial rights. Cemetery fees can be found on page 5 of the Cemetery Policy Manual.
Please note that when purchasing a burial lot, you are purchasing the right to be buried in the Orem Cemetery, not purchasing property. The City retains ownership of the property and guarantees to maintain the cemetery grounds. (City Ordinance: Chapter 8)
If you would like to finance a burial lot purchases, a 25% down payment per lot is required, with installments paid over a 12 month period to pay the balance. There is no interest on the balance due. If a burial lot is needed for an immediate burial it must be paid in full before the service.
Please Note: As of July 1st the City of Orem has changed its fee schedule for nonresidents. Definitions of resident are listed below.
1) Resident:
a. “Principal place of residence” means the single location where a person’s habitation is fixed and to which, whenever a person is absent, that person has the intention of returning.
b. “Resident” means a person whose principal place of residence is within the legal limits of the City of Orem.
2) A person resides in the City if:
a. The persons principal place of residence is within the City: and
b. The person has a present intention to maintain the person’s principal place of residence in the City permanently or indefinitely.
3) A person has not lost the person’s principal place of residence in the City if that person moves to a foreign country or another city, or state for the temporary purposes with the intention of returning.
4) A person is not a resident of the City if that person comes for temporary purposes and does not intend to make the City the person’s principal place of residence.
5) A person loses the person’s principal place of residence in the City if the person moves outside the legal limits of the City with the intention of making the other location the person’s principal place of residence.
2. How much is a burial Opening & Closing Fee?
Resident and nonresident interment rates are determined by the deceased’s principal place of residence, not the location of their death. Cemetery fees can be found on page 5 of the Cemetery Policy Manual.
3. Are there any other fees that need to be considered when scheduling a burial?
There is an overtime charge that begins at 4:00 PM. Overtime fees will be assessed until the cemetery crew completes the burial, not when the family leaves the cemetery. Cemetery fees can be found on page 5 of the Cemetery Policy Manual.
4. Can burials be scheduled for a weekend or holiday?
Saturday burials are permitted at an additional cost. Cemetery fees can be found on page 5 of the Cemetery Policy Manual. The cemetery is closed on Sunday and holidays.
5. Do you have a Veterans Section?
Yes, for Orem resident Veterans and their spouse. You must be living in Orem at the time of death and have served as a member of the US Armed Forces.
Please note that there are only half lots remaining in the Veterans area. Veterans may also consider inquiring for burial information at the following:
Utah Veterans Cemetery & Memorial Park
17111 South Camp Williams Road
Bluffdale, Utah 84065
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Office: (801) 254-9036
Fax: (801) 254-5756
6. Is the cost for Veterans the same?
No. The burial lot is donated to the Veteran. The spouse of the Veteran may purchase a plot at the regular rate. Attention only single lots remain, so any lot in this section would not be next to the Veteran.
Both plots are subject to regular opening and closing rates. Saturday and overtime fees still apply.
This service is only available in the Veterans section of the Orem Cemetery.
7. Are cremation burials permitted in the cemetery?
Yes. An adult burial lot can accommodate up to four cremations. Half lots can accommodate two cremations.
Remember all names of the persons interred in the lot must be on the single headstone. Veteran cremation burials in the veteran’s area are only available to the veteran and spouse. Only two cremations are allowed in these lots.
8. Do you have an infant or children’s cemetery?
Not at this time.
9. Are infant or cremation burials allowed in a burial lot of already occupied?
Yes. Written permission is required from the lot owner(s). If the existing stone does not have sufficient room for the names, DOBs, & DODs of the person(s) interred, a new headstone will be required that will accommodate all the new/additional information.
There is only room for one headstone per burial lot.
10. What is the process for a disinterment?
For Disinterment information please contact the Cemetery Sexton at 801-229-7124.
11. Do you have double deep burials?
Due to soil conditions the Orem Cemetery doesn’t allow double deep burials.
1. What are the headstone requirements for the Orem Cemetery?
All headstones are required to be flat, and flush to the ground. The headstone must be entirely made of granite or a granite stone set in a concrete foundation. A granite headstone set in concrete is required to have a six inch concrete border. A headstone made entirely of granite must have a frosted or polished six inch defined border.
Note: All headstones must be at least 6″ thick”. All headstone requirements are listed in the Policy and Procedures manual.
2. What are the headstone dimension requirements?
A headstone for a single burial lot cannot exceed 40 inches by 40 inches with a minimum of 6 inches thick. Most single stones are 12 inches by 24inches, with a six inch concrete border, thus they are 24 inches by 36 inches (including the border).
Note: All headstones must be at least 6″ thick”. All headstone requirements are listed in the Policy and Procedures manual.
3. What are the dimensions of a double headstone?
A double headstone cannot exceed 80 inches in width and 40 inches tall.Remember that also includes the required six inch border. Most double headstones average around 18 inches tall by 42 inches wide, with a six inch border, thus making the total 30 inches by 54 inches (including the border).
Note: All headstones must be at least 6″ thick”. All headstone requirements are listed in the Policy and Procedures manual.
4. Can more than one headstone be placed on a grave?
No, there is only one headstone per grave. Foot headstones or markers are not allowed.When more than one person is buried in a single grave, all names, DOBs, & DODs of the person(s) interred must be on a single headstone.
5. What happens should the headstone cement or granite crack and is broken, or damaged? Who is responsible?
The City is not responsible for the condition of grave markers and mow strips, nor is the City responsible for the type, quality, and durability of materials used in the burial and grave marker installation and setting process. Due to factors outside the control of the City such as weather and usage of the cemetery by the public and other third parties, damage or degradation may occur to mow strips or grave markers, and the City is not liable for this damage or degradation. If it can be determined who damaged a mow strip or grave marker, please contact the responsible party for replacement and/or repairs.
6. Who is responsible to level the headstones?
Call the cemetery office at 801-229-7124. Settling of burial lots is normal and can occur over longer periods of time. Maintenance crews do the best job possible at the time of the service and to monitor this issue. With thousands of headstones, any notification of problems such as sinkholes or headstones that need leveling is appreciated.
7. The vase is missing or broken! Who’s responsible?
The City is not responsible for vases or items placed on the headstone or in the ground. Activity within the cemetery makes it impossible for the City to determine who damages or removes vases, this includes any items left on the headstone. The City performs routine maintenance duties such as mowing and snow removal using small equipment and trucks. If a vase is damaged during these activities it will be replaced. It is strongly recommended that vases be turned down or removed during the winter months or when not in use.
8. What about the tire marks on my headstone?
Unfortunately tire marks will occur from mowing equipment and trucks. Sometimes the number of decorations that are on the grave or surrounding graves will increase the amount of turning the mowers need to operate. Every effort is used by mower & equipment operators to avoid driving over a headstone. However, most tire marks will disappear after watering. If there is an excess of tire marks, please contact the cemetery and crews will attempt to clean the headstone. (Call 801-229-7124)
1. What are my decorations missing?
Typically, one week after the funeral, maintenance crews will pick up and dispose of any flowers left on the burial lot. Other decorations that may be of value may be stored by our maintenance shed. Please call the cemetery office at 801-229-7124.
Once the headstone is set, and the decorations are placed on the headstone, as per City ordinance, maintenance crews do not dispose of the decorations that meet the ordinance. The exception is flowers that have died and are no longer viable.
Furthermore, anything stuck in the grass around a headstone or burial lot will be pulled. In addition, strong canyon winds occur from time to time that blow decorations off graves. Maintenance crews attempt to watch the Cemetery carefully and put decorations back in their place. Unfortunately, it is difficult to know exactly which burial lot the decorations were on. Because the cemetery is open 24 hours a day it’s difficult to know if someone is taking items that belong to them or not. To discourage theft we suggest that items/decorations are clearly marked with an identifying mark. This might discourage someone from taking it, and it also helps families identify items that belong to them.
2. Can decorations be put out for Memorial Day?
Memorial Day holiday is the one occasion that the cemetery allows decorations to be placed anywhere on the grave, up to the week following the holiday. Unfortunately, it is also the week that we get the most theft. We recommend that you don’t leave anything of value for more than one or two days and even then you are taking a chance on it missing. If possible, come and get your decorations right after Memorial Day. Later in the week the chance of someone removing your decorations or items is higher.
Cemetery maintenance crews remove all decorations the Monday following Memorial Day. It is the only time that all decorations, even those on the headstones, are removed. It is recommended that any decorations of value or that the family desires to keep, please remove ahead of the Monday following Memorial Day. Typically, decorations are hauled to the landfill for disposal.