holiday themed Mayor's message december 2024

Mayor’s Message: December 2024

As we wrap up 2024, I can’t help but reflect on how extraordinary this year has been. Looking back, 2023 felt over the top in terms “good things happening in Orem”—it seemed like we had accomplished everything we needed. But here we are, 12 months later, having taken things to a whole new level. 

In fact, so much has happened this year that I’m not going to mention our new city center built without any new taxes or debt, the progress on the 10 million gallon water tank, or all of the different park improvement projects completed this year. 

Today, I want to focus on what I view to be the top five accomplishments that defined Orem in 2024. Let’s count them down:

#5: Hundreds of New Businesses Start in Orem
I don’t know if you have noticed but Orem is open for business. This year alone, we welcomed 488 new businesses into our thriving community. New restaurants are off the charts.   National rankings have named Orem one of the best places in America to start a business. If you’ve had dreams of starting a business, you’re definitely in the right place to do it.   

#4: Opening Hillcrest Park
This year, we cut the ribbon on Hillcrest Park, completing a regional park project that has been a sensational success. We estimate that this park had over 182,000 visits in its first year. This beautiful space is now a hub for families, friends, and visitors to come together, and it’s already making a big impact on our community.

#3: Launching MyHomeTown in Geneva Heights
Expanding service opportunities and building our sense of community have been a focus for the City Council this year. Through the MyHomeTown initiative, we’ve seen service, education, and good old-fashioned neighborly living lift the Geneva Heights neighborhood. This program embodies the spirit of Orem: neighbors helping neighbors and working together to make Orem better. The classes are full and this is a program we expect to grow exponentially!

#2: Breaking Ground on a New Fire Training Facility
In our pursuit to be the best fire department in the state, we broke ground on a state-of-the-art fire training facility. This project will provide critical learning opportunities for our first responders, ensuring they are equipped to save lives and keep our community safe. In a similar vein, as Mayor, I challenge all of our city departments to be the best in the state.  Actually this year alone, we won 4 Best of State awards. But we’re not stopping there, here in Orem we are all about getting better each and every day.   

#1: Earning AAA Credit Status
Topping the list is a rare and highly coveted achievement for a city: Orem earned AAA credit status! This distinction, achieved by only 1-2% of cities nationwide, was awarded for Orem’s strong economic outlook, sound fiscal policy and practices, and manageable debt levels. 

These accomplishments didn’t happen by chance—they happened because our elected officials, city staff, volunteers, and residents work together with the guiding vision of making Orem a place where families can thrive. That’s why we do what we do.   

As we close this chapter, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season. Let’s continue making great things happen for Orem in 2025.

Thank you, and happy holidays! I’ll see you next month.