Engineer tests safety water systems of an artificial dam

Pretreatment helps reduce, eliminate, or treat non-domestic wastewater before it enters the city’s wastewater system. The program ensures compliance with EPA regulations and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

The City of Orem administers its Pretreatment Program, which includes issuing industrial permits, monitoring wastewater discharges, and enforcing regulations to protect public health and the environment. Businesses must comply with these requirements to prevent harmful pollutants from interfering with treatment operations or passing through into the environment.

Key Responsibilities of the Pretreatment Program:

  • Inspect industrial facilities and businesses generating Fats, Oils, Grease, and Sands (FOGS)
  • Monitor and sample industrial discharges
  • Evaluate compliance and issue fines for violations
  • Report data to the State and EPA
  • Set and enforce local discharge limits

Contact Information

Ron Smalley, Program Manager  801-229-7492
Dylan Hanseen, Cooridnator 801-229-7491


Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday

1797 W 1000 S
Orem UT, 84059

Pretreatment Forms & Resources