One of Orem’s many programs is specifically designed for youth to participate in their local government.
Applications are now closed
About Orem Youth Council
Orem Youth Council (OYC) is an extracurricular program for young leaders to learn about and participate in local government, develop professional skills and expand their network within the community. Established with the aim of empowering youth, the council serves as a bridge between young people and their community.
OYC consists of 20 high school students grades 10th-12th, that must be Orem residents.
OYC will meet the first Thursday of the month 3:00PM- 4:30PM at Orem City Center in the Council Chambers. The program runs September 2024 – June 2025.
Students will have the opportunity to:
Attend a leadership conference at Utah State University *upon meeting requirements (100% attendance & participation in fundraising)
Earn volunteer hours
Be mentored by elected officials and government employees
Go on field trips
Get swag!
Students interested in applying must submit an application by September 3rd at midnight. All applicants will then be asked to interview with OYC advisors between September 9-11th. OYC members will be chosen based off the quality of their interview. Students will be notified if they have been accepted onto the council by September 17th.
There is an enrollment fee of $50.00 for accepted students to help cover the costs of swag and the USU conference. Scholarships to cover the enrollment fee are available for those that qualify (proof of assistance from one of these programs: SBP, NSLPl, WIC, SNAP, Heat)
OYC members may not miss more than 2 activities a semester or they voluntarily release their spot on the council. There will be a mandatory kickoff meeting September 26th. The first activity will be on October 3rd.
On the application, students will be asked if they’re interested in applying for a separate position on the council. Here is a list of the positions and responsibilities:
Mayor: Oversees meetings and facilitates discussions
City Manager: Works with advisors to implement activities
City Recorder: Takes notes and attendance
Public Information Officer: Sends out reminders about meetings and takes pictures
City Treasurer: Works with advisors on the budget and coordinates fundraising