NIT Team Contact Information
(801) 724-3521
How to Report a Violation
There are three ways to tell us about a violation:
- Text the Orem Help Center (801) 229-7000
- Submit a ticket online to the Orem Help Center by clicking here
- Call the Orem Help Center by dialing 311—or (801) 229-7000
The Neighborhood Improvement Team (NIT) promotes safe and welcoming neighborhoods by increasing awareness of neighborhood codes and notifying residents whose properties are not in compliance. The team works closely with Police, Mental Health, Community Services, Planning and Zoning, other divisions, and the Administrative Law Judge to address concerns quickly and respectfully.
NIT officers have uniforms and drive pickup trucks which are marked with the department logo.
- Information on the Administrative Law Process, or to appeal or contest a decision
- View All Orem City Code
For more information about neighborhood preservation and ordinances in Orem, reach out to the Orem Help Center at (801) 229-7000 (call or text).
A code enforcement plan has been developed for low- to moderate-income neighborhoods outlining above-and-beyond activities to help improve these neighborhoods and prioritize Community Development Block Grant spending. These neighborhoods include Orem North, Geneva Heights, Sharon Park, Stonewood, Lakeridge, and Cherry Hill. View the code enforcement plan.
NIT’s Philosophy
NIT’s philosophy is to achieve voluntary compliance with neighborhood code violations. However, not all violations have the same degree of severity. As such, NIT has established priority ranking and procedures. This helps NIT match the appropriate level and type of enforcement with different types and circumstances of violations and maximize available resources.
NIT’s Priorities
NIT’s priority is to investigate and attempt to resolve all reported and observed code violations. If the number and nature of violations exceed NIT’s capacity, the most serious violations will be addressed first, regardless of the order in which complaints are received.
All police records are subject to GRAMA. View state record policies and laws.