What is A Fix-It Citation?

A fix-it is an option to resolve a vehicle equipment safety violation.  It involves you fixing the safety violation, providing proof that the violation has been fixed to the Court and then your charge may qualify for dismissal.  

Vehicle safety violations are the only type of charges eligible for a fix-it violation.  Examples include:  Lights not working properly on a vehicle, mud flaps should be attached to vehicle, window tint is not up to code, etc.  Registration and insurance violations are not considered fix-it violations by State law.  

How do I resolve a fix-it citation?

Step 1

Fix the safety violation on your vehicle and have it verified. You do this by having your fix-it citation signed off by a City of Orem Police Officer at 95 E Center, Orem, Utah, 84057, within 20 days of getting the citation.

If your fix-it was for window tint and was issued by the Utah Highway Patrol, you will need to have the Utah Highway Patrol sign off on that fix-it citation.

If you live far from Orem, the fix-it citation may also be signed by any licensed law enforcement officer in the State of Utah.

Step 2

Turn in your signed off fix-it citation to the court within 20 days of getting the citation to have your charge dismissed. The court is located on the same city block as the Orem Police Department at 97 E Center, Orem, Utah 84057.

You can also email a scanned copy of the signed fix-it citation to jcorem@utcourts.gov or fax it to 801-724-3934.

Prefer to pay to close the case?

If you have sold the vehicle or prefer to pay the charge to close the citation, that is an option too. You can go to orem.org/payments to pay to close your case.

Need an extension?

If you need an extension to complete the steps above, you can contact the court clerks at 801-724-3900 within 20 days of your citation, to see if you qualify for an additional 30 day extension.