Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for the City of Orem Emergency Alert Program.  

The City of Orem emergency notification system uses Everbridge, which enables the City to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations. These situation include severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons, and evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods to name a few.

You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, cell, or business phone, email, text messages, hearing impaired receiving devices, and more. You pick where, you pick how.

Frequently asked questions

Everbridge allows you to use multiple means of communication for the Emergency Alert System and the Community Notification System. In addition to your home phone you can add mobile phones, Voice over IP landlines, e-mail and/or text messaging to be included to receive messages from both the Emergency Alert and Community Notification System. You can also choose the order in which you receive the notification. These systems allow the City to easily and swiftly communicate with residents and interested parties through all of today’s available technology.

The Emergency Alert system allows local officials to help protect lives and property by providing critical information to residents during emergencies, including dangerous situations. The system allows the Police and Fire Departments to quickly send out an emergency alert to residents in any affected geographic area in the city.  Depending on the emergency, the alert may be sent to the entire city or selected areas within the city. The current database includes only traditional wire-line telephone (the “land line” phone you may have in your home). If you want the system to send alerts to other communication devices that you use, you will have to provide your contact information by logging into the system and signing up for alerts.

This service allows you to sign up to get notifications from within several designated categories. These categories will provide information on city events, programs, meeting agendas and reminders of special meetings. Other information may include reminders about voter registration deadlines, road closures, recreation programs, and other city events. Subscribers will be able to receive messages on their home phone, mobile phone, email or text message.

Notification Categories

The General Government notification category will be used to notify subscribers regarding reminders about voting, special city council meetings, city open houses regarding significant issues, etc.

The Public Safety notification category will be used to notify subscribers of road closures, crime alerts, Police/Fire seminars and educational opportunities, snow bans and various other public safety related events

The Library & Community Events notification category will be used to notify subscribers of city and Library events and happenings.  Notifications regarding the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival will be provided in this category. The subscriber is encouraged to provide an email in their contact information for this category.

The City News notification category will be used to notify subscribers of significant city and events and happenings, voting information, tax collection information and other town sponsored events.  Notifications for Summerfest will be given in this category. The subscriber is encouraged to provide an email in their contact information for this category.

The city newsletter is sent out each month to make you aware of announcements, important news, community events, and other pertinent information.  The subscriber is encouraged to provide an email in your contact information for this category.

The Recreation notification category will be used to notify subscribers of significant program announcements such as registration periods, special events, program cancellations and brochure availability.

The Public Works notification category will be used to notify subscribers of road paving projects and schedules, other infrastructure improvements, Water Pollution Control information, leaf pick up, waste and recycling collection information and updates, compost area news and other related public works information.

Senior Events and Notifications will be used to notify subscribers about information regarding events at the Orem Senior Friendship Senior Center.

This service allows you to sign up to get notifications that will provide information on road closures, or where traffic will be otherwise restricted in a construction work zone.  Occasionally emergency repair work will need to be done that will only notify you after crews have arrived at the repair location.

The Community Development notification category will be used to notify subscribers of meeting dates and agenda information of Orem government boards and commissions as well as announcements of public hearings, and other related topics concerning current and future development in Orem.