Utah County Major Crimes Task Force Logo

“The mission of the Utah County Major Crimes Task Force is to promote a collaborated multi-agency effort through local, state and federal agencies, to identify, investigate and dismantle major drug trafficking organizations operating in the Utah County area.  The emphasis is on heroin and methamphetamine (currently an epidemic in our area), by targeting and apprehending street to mid-level drug traffickers. Identify and target local gang activity involved in drug distribution and any violent crimes.”

The Utah County Major Crimes Task Force is a group of officers brought together and assigned to address problems in a certain area. This group of officers are considered specialists and have the expertise that they can contribute to solve whatever problem the Task Force is assigned to address. The Utah County Major Crimes Task Force is made up of individuals from multiple agencies assigned to address the problems of drugs, gangs and violent crimes occurring in Utah County.

The Task Force Board of Directors is made up of representatives (usually the Agency head) of each agency involved in and contributing to the Task Force and Utah County Attorney, with the Chairman of the board being Chief Josh Adams with the Orem Police Department. The Utah County Major Crimes Task Force is comprised of fourteen local Police Agencies within Utah County to include State, Local and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.

There are also part-time Federal agencies assigned to the Task Force; Homeland Security Investigations, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms and Immigrations & Customs Enforcement. Also assigned part-time to the Task Force are a Utah County Attorney and Adult Probation & Parole agent.