02.06.2025 Natural Resources Advisory Commission

5:00 PM @ 56 North State Street in the Community Development Conference Room

  1. Welcome & introduction of new NRAC staff members
  2. Review & approval of January meeting minutes
  3. Upcoming events and program updates
    — February Snowshoeing Event Planning: Finalizing details, location, logistics, volunteer and promotional needs
    — Birding Event Update
    — Possible Earth Day Collaboration with Bike Orem
  4. Discussion of partnership opportunities and event planning considerations
  5. City department visitors schedule:
    — Planning for upcoming department presentations and collaboration
  6. Committee updates
  7. Adjournment

THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CITY MEETINGS.If you need a special accommodation to participate in Advisory Commission meetingsplease contact us on the City’s website at orem.org or call (801) 229-7000at least 3 working days prior to the meeting. This agenda is available on the Utah Public Notice website at utah.gov/pmn.